Hi guys! I’m glad you’re here ♡
These past few days have been crazyyy. I know in last week’s post I said the same thing, but somehow life had even more in store. Right now I’m quarantined and spending the week home from school. I feel like I’ve missed a lot of school this month, wayyy more than I missed last year. (If you don’t count the days I was in virtual school of course) Which is crazy, because last year was supposed to the weird year. I hope things get back to some kind of normal soon, because though I am happy to be missing Wellness and daily morning heat strokes, I really want to go to some football games and see my friends.
I have been putting good use to my time in quarantine, though. Today’s been one of the most productive days I’ve had in a while, and it wasn’t even draining. Besides what I’m going to talk about today, life hasn’t really been exciting enough for any more of an update lol.
In today’s post, I’m going to be talking about what podcasts I’ve really been loving lately. It was just this past year that I’ve gotten into podcasts. It actually started in quarantine, last year, that I discovered some of my favs. I’m still trying to intentionally listen to them more because my go-to is and always has been music to fill the empty space. But recently, I’ve become obsessed. And once I talk a little more about them today, I think you guys will be too. Let’s get into it!
In Bloom (hosted by Abigail Asselin)- This is absolutely my FAVORITE podcast. Abigail’s voice keeps me engaged for however long the episode is, and each week is a new and relatable topic centered around self improvement. I also love how she does little chats before every podcast. Before she was In Bloom, this podcast was called Gen Z Girl, and I think that’s what originally drew me to it. Though I do love her new name! I’m not even lying when I say I listen to this podcast almost every day.
Happy Hour (hosted by Gretchen Geraghty)- True to its name, this podcast always puts me in a good mood. Gretchen radiates so much positivity and I love listening to her episodes, especially in the morning, so I can start my day off right.
WHOA That’s Good Podcast (hosted by Sadie Robertson)- I love Sadie Robertson, but you guys already know that haha. Right after I read Live, I searched her podcast and fell in love with it. I wish I listened to it more, because when I do, it makes me really happy.
Christian Girls P.O.P (hosted by Stephanie Bright)- I think this is the first podcast I got dedicated to. It’s such a good one! Stephanie is a very fun personality and has an awesome way of spreading the word in just a few minutes.
Call Me Candid (hosted by Haley Pham and Lilly Ann)- I admit, I always forget about this one! It’s crazy that I do this because this is such a good podcast. It covers a wide range of relatable topics and provides awesome advice!
Daily Boost | Daily Coaching and Motivation (hosted by Scott Smith)- Ok, I love that this guy’s episodes are like two minutes long, but always make me feel motivated to achieve my goals. Smith’s short episodes release daily and provide so much insight and boost to get your day going.
And the last podcast I wanted to share is one I haven’t listened to yet, but am really excited to try. It’s called My Darling Diary (hosted by Jessi Afshin). I follow this account on Instagram for the cute inspirational messages. I can’t wait to try this podcast about faith, fashion, and lifestyle!
Also, if you want to listen to podcasts but don’t know how, they’re available on Apple Podcasts, which I’m pretty sure everyone already has pre-downloaded on their IPhone. Also, almost every podcast mentioned above is on Spotify for free, so check them out!
And now...some bonus content! 😁 Recently, my music selection has been AMAZING. Do you ever go through periods with your playlists where you don’t want to listen to anything and want to delete everything? Well I was in that rut a while ago, but recently, I’ve discovered so many good songs it’s crazy. My current favs playlist has NO SKIPS. So, I’m going to share a few with you guys today!
Hold Me Down- The Happy Fits (I love the band name)
Both Ways- Caroline Manning
Take On The World- You Me At Six
Happier Than Ever- Billie Eilish (Ok, I know I used to not like her, but this song by Billie is absolutely amazing and anyone who says it’s not is crazy.)
marjorie- Taylor Swift (I didn’t used to like this song, and now I love love love it)
Rise Up (album)- CAIN
teenage diary (album)- Lexi Jayde (Ugh I love Lexi Jayde so much and this album is the death. of. me. So gooddd. Go listen to it now.)
Tears of Gold- Faouzia
Born Without a Heart- Faouzia (Ok so I didn’t think I would like this singer when my friend Sara introduced me to her, but now I am obsessed. She has such a powerful voice and her songs are addicting)
Get Weird (album)- Little Mix (I recently got into Little Mix and they’re sooo good. I listen to them every day on repeat because each song is so catchy and makes me so happy. My current favs are Love Me Like You, Black Magic, Secret Love Song, and Nothing But My Feelings-which is from the Confetti album-)
G R O W- Willow
Tied Together With a Smile- Taylor Swift (this song is the literal definition of how I was feeling last week)
Now you might be thinking this is the end, but boyyy are you wrong. Before I go I have one more list for you guys!
Caroline Manning- vlogs
Annie Long- self improvement, lifestyle
Brooklyn and Bailey- challenges, fashion
courtreezy- comedy, making fun of tyra banks lol
Nicole Laeno- vlogs
A L L I S O N- lifestyle
Kyra Pro- fitness
Yoga with Adrienne- health and wellness (yoga)
You may be thinking this is the end...and you’d be right haha. But not before Motivational Monday!
Quote: “I’m ready to love the good and live the bad. Clued up and now I get it, just make the best of what you have.”
So that was actually a Little Mix line from the song Clued Up, and when I heard it I knew I had to save it for motivation! No matter what life throws at us, we can’t let it get us down. Because there's always going to be trials in life and the best we can do is remain positive. <3
And on that note, I’ll end today’s post! Thank you guys so much for reading! Stay safe and positive, love yaaa!
xoxo brynn