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Live Fearless Review

Writer's picture: brynnmichaelabrynnmichaela

hey hey hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I hope everyone’s days back at school and snow days were super fun! Mine definitely were. We mostly went sledding, which I loved, even though it was really cold (which I hate). I also drank lots of hot cocoa, saw figure skaters, and took some cute pictures of milo! Good news is, we’re supposed to get TONS of snow this weekend too! Fingers crossed 🤞

Right now I'm at school and boooored, so I thought I’d get started on my blog post for this week, which is about a book I recently read called Live Fearless. It’s by Sadie Robertson, one of my favorite influencers and is the book she released before Live, which I did a review on around this time last year. You can check that out here:

Live Fearless

Author: Sadie Robertson Huff

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Live Fearless is about summoning the courage to go through life knowing God is always on your side. It’s a quick self improvement novel with endless tips on how to deal with life’s struggles without fear. It covers topics like: anxiety, identity, and of course, fear. If you are looking to escape the trap fear has you in and finally become who God made you to be, definitely check out this book!

About the author:

Sadie Robertson Huff is an author, actress, podcast maker, blogger, and devoted Christian. She has been on Dancing With The Stars as well as Duck Dynasty. Her podcast is called WHOA That’s Good, where she discusses many topics with guests. She has written four books: Live Original, Live, Who are You Following, and of course this one, Live Fearless. Her blog is called Live Original. She has a daughter named Honey, and her husband is Christian Huff.


So after my review of Live from last year, you can probably tell I had some high expectations. And lucky for me, Live Fearless did not disappoint! In fact, it was probably even more relatable than Live, because Sadie wrote it as a teen and therefore there were a lot more things that were applicable to my life. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and all the insight it provided. Somehow, Sadie never fails to blow my mind with some of her words, which I’ll be sharing with you guys today! Here’s a couple points that resonated with me the most:

  • Confronting your biggest fears- In Live Fearless, Sadie talks about how she was tied down with countless fears, all that stopped her from achieving something great. She explains how she almost said no to the producers of Dancing with the Stars, and Winter Jam- a speaking event- all because she was afraid of being in the spotlight. She says that if it weren’t for her mom speaking truth to her, her life might’ve taken a completely different turn. Her mom told her, “God does not produce feelings of fear or anxiety. In fact, it’s the opposite. God’s Word tells us over and over again not to worry or fear and is very clear that God doesn’t give you a spirit of fear, but a Spirit of power. If you’re anxious or fearful about this, that is not from Him.” This resonated with me, because it helped me realize that when I am scared, it’s not coming from God. God does not want us to fear (Joshua 1:9) because He has everything under control. So now when I am scared, I look at it like a challenge to conquer. You may be wondering- what is a way to do this? Sadie has a tip for this; “If you can identify what the enemy wants you to fear, that’s the very thing you need to go after with faith.” This means that once you’ve identified your fear, to conquer it using the Word of God. For example, one of my biggest fears is not being good enough at school, sports, relationships, etc. In the book, Sadie talks about Rahab and how even though she was a prostitute, she did a great thing for the Lord. “When you feel like you aren’t good enough or worthy enough, defeat that lie by saying, ‘I know James 2:25, and if Rahan was good enough, so am I” SO the next time I’m feeling fear, I will turn to my Bible and research verses to conquer it.

  • The next topic I really liked covers sin. I really liked an analogy Sadie used about a connect-the-dot picture. She said, “If you’ve ever done a real connect the dot picture, you know that sometimes you draw a line to the wrong dot, like I did. When you realize it, you erase it and make it right. But usually there’s still a trace of the mark, and that helps you realize that you didn’t make the best decision. It’s not that way with God. As my brother John Luke says, ‘God has a big eraser.’ And when God erases something, it’s gone and the picture turns out perfectly.” We are perfect in God’s sight, even if we have sinned. Because these sins are erased when we turn to God. Poof, gone. Unlike the connect the dot picture, where the mistake is still visible, in our picture the mistake is gone and we are made new. While we’re covering sin, one that Sadie mentioned was trying to be of the world and not God. “Apparently we are afraid we are going to sell out an extraordinary relationship we have had all of our lives- a relationship with God- to achieve a very average reputation.” I liked this quote because it’s addressing the need to fit in with worldly standards when the standards we should be striving for are those God has made. And think of all the progress you’ve made in your relationship with God, the closer you’ve become with Him, only to toss it all out the window to try out a fleeting trend. I don’t know about you, but I want to keep getting closer, not farther away.

  • The last topic I’m covering that Sadie talked about is how to act- This is probably my favorite chapter of the whole book, only because of the perfect analogy she used. She brought up plankton, supposedly the lowest of the low sea creatures. As she researched, Sadie came to find that it is actually plankton that are responsible for 50% of the oxygen we are breathing right now, because of photosynthesis. How does this happen? Well, according to Sadie, plankton swim up to the light of the ocean every day, passing dangerous predators, only to swim back to the bottom of the ocean at night. They are risking their lives to get to the sun, and once fueled by the light, travel back down to the darkest depths of the ocean. Isn’t it crazy that some of the smallest creatures can make the biggest impact? Just think of how much light we can spread! “I want to swim up to the light and bring it back to this dark world. I want to provide light and energy and life to those around me.” This is one of the biggest things I long for- to be a spreader of joy and light. My whiteboard even has a verse on it (Matthew 5:16) about letting good deeds SHINE out for all to see because it means that much to me. Sometimes you have to persevere, and face your fears to receive the light though, and that can be hard. Sometimes “it only gives off light when pressure is applied to it.” Sometimes we might have to be pushed by dire circumstances to turn to God. But once we receive the light, there’s nothing stopping us from using it to light up the darkness in someone else’s life.

SO yeah, those are just three of many lessons that I learned from this book! If you liked these, try out Live Fearless by Sadie Robertson Huff because it is so worth it! Hope you guys liked this post, I love ya, BYEEE!

Current fav song: Through the Dark by One Direction

Also if you like faith related stuff, here’s some extras that I’ve been loving:

  • The album “Blanca” by Blanca has so many upbeat and positive Christian songs that I loveeee.

  • Bible journaling. Here’s a verse I drew today and a wallpaper I made for all the snow we’ve been getting:


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