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Pamper/Self Care Day

Hi guys and welcome/welcome back to my blog! For some of you, today mightā€™ve been your first day of school! Howā€™d it go? Comment below if you want to share how your day went. I hope it all went well. Today was also my first day, except I was online. Iā€™d definitely say everyone has a lot of adjusting to do, but honestly, I donā€™t know about you but Iā€™m excited to be back in the swing of things. Even if it means taking tests...okay, maybe not. šŸ˜‚ Anyway, school has started, and you guys mightā€™ve even had an amazing glow up. I recently posted my personal glow up routine if you guys wanted to check that out. ...exactly what point Iā€™m trying to make, I donā€™t know. Anyway, this post is basically like a glow up, but for the first day of school. I like to call it Pamper Day, because itā€™s a day I like to pamper myself and basically make an at home spa. I did this yesterday to prepare myself for the first day of school. It helps me to create a relaxful vibe and look good while doing it. I normally pamper myself once a month, because itā€™s a PROCESS. But you can do it however many times you want. Me and my cousin like to do this together because what can I say? Itā€™s really fun for a girl to pamper herself I guess. This also doubles as a self care checklist because I know a lot of you guys are interested in that. Okay, so letā€™s get into this. Oh yeah, I also had this idea where if you guys are really committed to this you can print this to use as your own personal checklist:


  • Do your nails šŸ’…

  • Shave your legs- Make sure that youā€™re only shaving your legs 1-3 times a week!

  • Exfoliate- If you donā€™t know what this is, exfoliating really helps your skin by getting rid of the dead skin and making your skin really smooth. I use some homemade exfoliants that I will be making a post about later on, and a Suave eucalyptus one. Also make sure youā€™re only doing this once to twice a week so you donā€™t damage your skin/ dry it out.

  • Use Lotion- Whatever you do, donā€™t skip lotion. Trust me, it really helps your skin feel smooth and not ashy. I use in-shower body lotion because you can use it IN THE SHOWER and it works the same. This is way more convenient for me and Iā€™d definitely recommend using the one by Nivea. šŸ§“

  • Bubbly bath- I love hot bubbly baths because they feel so nice. I add relaxing epsom salt to it for extra relief.

  • I use a hot washcloth on my face before I wash it with CeraVe face wash because it opens your pores, therefore cleaning your face really well.

  • Now this is really just for me, but I have to use an anti-frizz spray before I blow dry it, which is the next step

  • Blow dry hair

  • Braid hair before bed- this creates really wavy hair for the next day if you sleep on it

  • Drink 8 glasses of water- this is really good for you. It clears your skin and keeps you hydrated. šŸ’¦

  • Keep a diffuser running. My mom helped me create a spa day essential oil blend that I used in my diffuser for some aromatherapy.

  • Lip scrub- This does the same thing as a body exfoliant, just for your lips. I use a really nice natural one and then after I scrub I make sure to use chapstick. This is essential because if you don't use chapstick your lips will dry out, and no one wants that, right?

I hope you all enjoyed this post! It was a little short, but with school and all that Iā€™m pretty tired lol. But donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll be back on Friday for another new post! While writing this, I had some really cool post ideas like a beauty hack and a night routine one so stay tuned! Hope everyone has a great first week, and Iā€™ll see you next time! šŸ˜˜

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