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Twilight Book Review

Writer's picture: brynnmichaelabrynnmichaela

Wassup guys and welcome back to ma blog! 😀

I hope everyone’s had a good week off from school! Since I was in quarantine the week before this one, that’s 2 weeks out of school for me!

This past week I went to Saint Louis. It was really fun, and I really enjoyed exploring a new city. We only were there for about two days, but it was just the right amount of time. It was a five hour road trip, which if you don’t know, I love long car rides. I got a lot of reading done, and I really like looking out the window and daydreaming while listening to music. (This roadtrip’s spotlight singer was One Direction) The way there, we stopped at a very good restaurant called Freddies. It was kind of similar to Culver’s, but the custard I got (chocolate brownie delight) was even better. And then we watched a Dodger Game, from front row seats! It was a really cool experience, and of course, we won. 😎 That night we walked around the Saint Louis Arch, which is crazy big and somehow, people take rides in the arch to get to the top. I could never haha. The next day, we went to the Saint Louis Zoo, which I loved! My favorite animal there was probably the Andean Bear or sloth. Here’s a pic of the sloth, aka cutest little guy ever (besides Milo ofc). ⇩

On Thursday I got my second covid vaccine, and I can’t decide if it was worse or better than the first one. While the first one had less symptoms, it lasted way longer. The second one had worse symptoms, but it only put me out for a day, which was yesterday. Today I’m going to my aunt’s house to swim and celebrate my uncle’s birthday, so that’ll be fun. 🥳

In today’s post, I’m going to be doing a book review of the one and only Twilight. Going into this book, I was skeptical, because I’ve heard a lot of things basically saying I’m either going to love it or hate it. Basically, I think I’m a mix of both. I’m also watching The Vampire Diaries right now, so let’s just say there’s been a lot of vampire stuff on my mind. But I loveee TVD, so I had kind of high expectations for Twilight. Let’s get into my review!


Author: Stephenie Meyer

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


So basically we have Bella Swan, a normal teenage girl who has just moved from Phoenix, where she was living with her mom, to Forks- a humble town in Washington where she’s going to live with her dad. Bella wants nothing more than to just blend in at school, but that’s nearly impossible because Forks is the smallest town ever. And not only that, but it’s also always raining or cloudy. Bella soon makes a ton of new acquaintances, but she can’t stop her intrigue from pinning on one mysterious boy- Edward. As Edward and Bella are drawn closer together, more questions arise- including some that may become deadly.


Above, it says that I gave this book four stars, but what I really meant was a 3.5. I couldn’t decide between a 3 or a 4, but when I thought about it, this book kept me very intrigued. It simply didn’t deserve a three, since I was dying to read it with any chance I got. I don’t know why, it definitely wasn’t the main characters that kept me interested, besides Mike, who Bella would not stop being rude to. He’s more of a side character, though. But anyways, I was definitely very hooked on this book.

Over the course of my Twilight journey, I jotted notes down in the moment of how I was feeling. So now I’ll get to share my thoughts while I was in the moment.


I was basically saying all the reasons why I was not a fan of Bella. For one, she didn’t like rain, which is something I love. Two, she’s rude to the friends she wanted so badly. Remember how she wanted to fit in? Well, she finally got the chance with friends who genuinely liked her, and she was annoyed with them all. the. time. She claimed Mike was like a golden retriever who would “never leave me alone.” The thing is, Mike was a really nice guy, even when she’d treat him poorly. Three, she’s suspicious Edward is a vampire, yet it obsessed with him. Like, I don’t know if it’s just me, but if I found out some random dude I barely know is a vampire, I’d be running away from him as fast as I can. Four, she bases her whole mood on whether Edward is at school or not, and when he’s not there, she’s “depressed.” Yet she barely knows him! It’s like she’s basing her whole life around a boy.

I also said that I don’t like Edward because he sounds really controlling, and that Mike deserves better.


Here, I was talking about the meadow scene, where Bella and Edward confess their love for each other. What I said was, “Edward just confessed when he looks at Bella he has to fight to resist the temptation to kill her and she simply accepts that right off the bat. He could kill her any second. Why is she so attracted to him? They barely have talked at all, so it can only be on looks, right? I mean, she won’t stop talking about how beautiful he is when his personality sucks because he’s constantly angry at her.” I really don’t know why Edward is attractive. From Bella’s description, he’s pale as a ghost, and he’s never happy. That’s just not what I’m into at all.

I also said: “I think the meadow moment was strange. Maybe because it’s not my typical realistic romance scene, because we’re dealing with a deadly vampire, or maybe it’s because the romance is very weird for me to understand. I mean, the whole time they’re having this moment, Edward wants to eat her. Also, it’s page 300 and they’re confessing their undying love and that they’d die for each other, when they’ve only had a few conversations.”

And that’s the end of my previous thoughts, which I still mostly agree with. Edward did get a little bit better as the book went on. I think what was just hard for me to grasp was this book isn’t the same as The Vampire Diaries, where vampires act very differently. What I mostly didn’t like was how cold Edward could be and how Bella still falls head over heels for him.

Aside from the relationship aspect, I thought the plot was intriguing. This book honestly had me captivated from the start. The end was very well done and I was anxiously turning the page to find out what would happen to Bella. Some characters I really liked are Alice, Jasper, Mike, and Charlie. In the second book, I hope I see more friendships develop for Bella, and no discrimination but preferably human haha. I also can’t wait to see what happens with Jacob in later books because I’m pretty sure we’ve all heard of the infamous love triangle. I was shocked that Jacob was introduced so early, and I was surprised by his personality and age. I guess I just wasn’t expecting him to be so normal. It is kind of crazy that he’s 15, though, because isn’t Bella like 17? I mean, I guess she can’t even be talking- what with Edward lol.


“I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.”

“So what you're saying is, I'm your brand of heroin?" I teased, trying to lighten the mood.

He smiled swiftly, seeming to appreciate my effort. "Yes, you are exactly my brand of heroin.”

“And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.”

“What if I'm not a superhero. What if I'm the bad guy?”

Last one is for you, Lyla. 😌

Overall I did really like this book. While the romance wasn’t really for me (I don’t really read fantasy so I don’t have much experience) the story was really good. Like I said, it had me hooked from the beginning and I always appreciate that in a book. Can’t wait to see what happens in New Moon!



“Do not put out your fire because someone doesn’t understand your flame.”

I saw this quote on a pinterest story pin centered around confidence. I really liked it because it reminds me to be happy with myself and not let anyone dull my happiness because of their actions or words. There’s a time when you just have to let go of what other people think and be happy with yourself. Because no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. (Eleanor Roosevelt) Woohoo- two quotes, one monday! If you ever need an extra boost of confidence just remember this. <3


Thank you guys so much for reading. Me and Lyla are trying to read this series together, so the next book I’m going to read is probably a romance called Royals that I think will kind of be like All American Girl. The rest of today is looking like a lot of science project stuff. Also, today I made macarons, and they were so good. They’re pink, of course. Ok, see you guys next week- hopefully with a school update since I’m finally going back!

Current fav song: Happily by One Direction

Fall Countdown: 10 days


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