Helloooo everyone and welcome back to my blog! In today’s post I’m going to be talking about a new recipe I recently tried! It’s been a while since one of my recipe posts, but the other day I had an itch to bake something...one because I was hungry and craving sweets, two because I really wanted to bake!
If you don’t know, one of my favorite (if not favorite) desserts is brownies. I LOVE them so much. But, I am also extremely lazy, and baking brownies takes way too much time. So instead, I decided to try to make a brownie in a mug, based on this recipe I found on pinterest. Here’s the link in case you’re interested: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/817614507343134958/
Anyway, I think it turned out pretty good, so now I’m going to share with you guys how I made this treat!
Rating: 3/5
2 tbsp flour
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp cocoa powder
Pinch of salt
Chocolate chips
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp water
Whisk together dry ingredients in desired mug
Then mix in wet ingredients, making sure to scrape the bottom of the mug (by now, the mixture should have a batter-like consistency)
Add chocolate chips (the recipe called for mini ones. I used regular size and it was fine, but mini might turn out better if you have them)
Microwave for 1 minute
And that’s it!
I personally enjoyed this treat. I thought it was chocolatey and super easy to make. I had all the ingredients already, and it took five minutes at max. However, one thing I noticed was that the serving size is very small. It was fine for me as a quick treat, but I doubt the recipe could serve more than one person. Overall, this was a good recipe. Of course, it wasn’t the best brownie ever, but I thought it was the perfect treat for when you want a quick dessert or late night snack.
Thanks so much for reading! Hope everyone has a great rest of their day! :)
Current favorite song: Donna by The Lumineers