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A little about me...part two

Helloooo to everyone reading! Maybe I should come up with a term for people who read my blog, like Brynners or something. šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t know, Iā€™ll think about it.

Currently I am SO cozy. Iā€™m listening to this really chill playlist, sipping tea, and I have a candle going. So I thought- why not write a blog post? So today I decided in honor of my birthday tomorrow, I'll rewrite A little about me (aka my first blog post)! Basically, itā€™s been almost a year since I wrote that, and it might be fun to improvise it because a lot has changed since then. So here we go...A little about me (part two).

Alright so my name is Brynn, and I live in Tennessee. My family includes my mom, dad, sister, brother, and my two dogs, Milo and Arya. Milo is a two year old yorkshire terrier mix, and Arya is a six month year old great dane. Letā€™s just say we have our hands full with the two of them. Iā€™m the oldest of my siblings, whose names are Kiley and Liam. My family moved to Tennessee from California when I was five. Iā€™m so lucky I got to move here to meet my best friends, though I wish I couldā€™ve met them in California. Anyway, I am fourteen in one day and Iā€™m in 8th grade. High school is coming up once 8th grade ends, which is in one and a half months. That is absolutely crazy, exciting, and terrifying at the same time. Still, I am counting down the days until high school-and maybe Iā€™ll have to improvise this part next year, but- it seems really fun. As for my hobbies, I have a few. My main hobby is reading. Though I donā€™t have much time to read as I would like- if I did I would never be doing anything else (besides eating, ofc)- I really enjoy a good book. Iā€™m almost always listening to music. My music style has really changed over the year, as around this time last year I loved pop, especially Ariana Grande. I still do, but now I love punk rock, indie, classical, and much more. SO yeah, I will forever be streaming music in my room, where I spend a lot of my time. Other hobbies I have include: running, studying the bible, scrolling on my phone, eating, singing, talking to my friends, skateboarding, and playing volleyball. As of right now my favorite food is mac and cheese...yum. A life goal of mine is to travel the world. If I could have one wish it would be to see all the amazing places and monuments not only in the U.S, but in all the other countries. I especially love Paris because it is so beautiful. However, my dream destination is New York City. NYC is my favorite city in the whole world. I love the bustling crowds and how you can get lost among the millions of bright lights at night. I love the vibes and how you can be whatever you want and the diversity and people. I like to imagine myself living in a quaint NY apartment down the road from Columbia College and stopping at a bakery for breakfast and maybe having a dog-walking business and of course partying at night. Also, NY isnā€™t my only dream. I am an aspiring writer. Over the past year I have written two books and I donā€™t think I couldā€™ve done it without the practice I have gone through with this blog. I love writing and creating stories to share. As for sports, I play volleyball and run track. I never wouldā€™ve imagined myself running miles and jumping hurdles around this time last year, and itā€™s just so crazy how much I have changed in that area. My biggest fear are bugs. I my blog post last year I mentioned that I was scared because last year was ā€œcicada season.ā€ Well, I was wrong. Cicada season is this year, this summer. Yup. The last fact about me is I love retro 90ā€™s stuff. Literally the 90ā€™s were the best decade and Iā€™ll just leave that there.

Thank you guys so much for reading! Hope you werenā€™t too bored reading all about me lol. Iā€™m super excited for my birthday and canā€™t wait to see what this year brings! See you next time, byeee!

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