Eyyo readers and welcome back to my blog! Here’s to this last Monday before fall break! I don’t know about you but I can’t wait for it to be Friday already. One, because no school for a week, and two, because fall break is the best! So I thought to maybe give you guys some fall feels and some inspiration I'd do a Fall Bucket List post, and that is what I’m doing today. So keep reading and I hope you enjoy!

Fall Bucket List
Pick out pumpkins- Whether its going to the pumpkin patch or the apple orchard, picking out pumpkins is one of my favorite fall activities. I love picking out perfectly round and orange pumpkins.
Paint pumpkins- This is a tradition in my family that I LOVE. Not to brag but I'm pretty good at painting pumpkins and it's so fun to create spooky designs.
Bake cookies- Pumpkin ones, of course!
Watch movies (movie post soon to come)
Read some fall books (also soon to come)
Pumpkin Spice Lattes
Apple Chai-der- This new take on apple cider is sure to be absolutely delicious and I can't wait to try it, especially because I'm a big fan of apple cider and chai tea!
This post is probably my shortest one yet, but it was fun to make this list and dream of autumn. Because of the pandemic, Halloween is probably going to be very different from what I’m used to which is what it is but I’m still going to enjoy this fall season because autumn is AMAZING and I can’t wait. Hope you guys are having a great day and I’ll see ya later!
EyoOo 😂🎃🍁
me too!
hehe i have my ways- they’re called notifications ahaha also cant wait for the fall reads post!!!
Glad you like it 😁
Omg how are you here so early? It’s a good thing but omigosh 🤍