Heyy readers!! Merry late Christmas!!! Hope everyone had a GREAT holiday and got to celebrate with loved ones. As for me, I got everything I could possible want, including a (very fluffy) Ugg blanket that I’m using right now. I went over to my aunt’s house later that night and had a great time with some cousins. Comment below what you did/ your favorite gift!
“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”
Now that Christmas is over, today my family is taking down Christmas decorations, which is really sad to say. But, there is still hope because New Years is only four days away, and with the new year comes resolutions and improvement and all that jazz.
I love the New Year and I’m so excited for it!! I’m all about being my best self and Lord knows everyone wants 2020 to end lol. Still, despite all the negative things that have come out of 2020, I have established a pretty good self care routine so that’s a positive I guess.
I do have some more goals for the new year though, and I’m going to be getting into those today and hopefully giving you readers some ideas. This will be my last blogmas post which is kind of sad. I really don't want the holiday season to ever end but unfortunately seasons do change.
Walk Milo once a day- Exercise is defintely one of my main goals. I recently got into running; I think it was actually this summer that I started just jogging around the neighborhood. I love running because it keeps me healthy, it clears my head (which I need on a daily basis) and it impacts my mood, A LOT. I’ve noticed that when I run I not only feel more productive and reasy to tackle my to-do list, but I’m overall a more positive and upbeat person. I especially like to run in the winter because I’ve noticed that when daylight savings changes around this time of year, my mood is impacted a lot because I hate it when it gets dark quicker. I’m more tired and bored. I really want a treadmill, though this spring I plan to join track, which will allow me to run even more! This is another one of my goals. So when I walk Milo once a day, I’m getting exercise in a easy and accomplishable way, while at the same time Milo is being active. Plus, I once heard that walking is better than running because it’s not as harsh on your ankles.
Volunteer- I’ve had this plan for a while: that when I turn 13 I will volunteer at the library and pet shelter. Then when I turn 14 I will work at Chick fil A. Well that plan is a year behind now because of COVID. Anyway, I’m going t try to catch up by volunteering at the library and pet shelter THIS YEAR (if they’ll even let me cuz of COVID). I figure it’s a good way to pass time and help out. Plus love dogs and books, so it would actually be pretty fun.
Spend more time with God- For Christmas I got a Bible study called The Bible Study (creative right), anyways it is a 52 week plan which if you can’t do math like me that is a whole year. It’s an interactive workbook and guides you through all books of the bible. I can’t wait to start in January! God has come to me a lot this year and I’ve actually become a lot closer to Him, which is amazing. I want to continue my journey into the new year, because He is so good.
Less screen time- I think we can all relate to this one, but sometimes technology tends to suck the life out of us. I don’t really use my phone a lot. Besides from the Bible app and texting, the only thing I do on my phone is FaceTime my best friend and cousin, Kenna. All day long. Even though I love talking to her, all those hours on my phone start to take a toll on me. I become more tired and pointless. This became a big problem at the end of November/beginning of December because I was writing my book ALL DAY LONG on my computer. That kind of just drained me everyday and I really needed a break from technology. So in 2021 I’m going to try to cut back and set boundaries.
Read 70 books- This is my Goodreads goal for the new year. This year it was 75 books and I completed it!! But next year I’ll be in high school and I’ll be volunteering and running and stuff so life will be busy. Therefore, I am cutting back by five books.
And that’s it for this post! I don’t know when it’s going to go up because of the internet that’s down and stuff but yeah. Hope everyone has a good new years if I don’t post again till then, which I might because I have a fudge recipe on the way. Everyone pray for the internet to come back! Bye!