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Writer's picture: brynnmichaelabrynnmichaela

Heyyy guys it’s been a while! Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

This past week has been a crazyyy ride, so while I really wanted to post something, I just didn’t get to it. Basically last weekend I was feeling really tired and it felt like my body was just on sleep- mode for three days after receiving my first COVID vaccine. I don't know why my body reacted so poorly to the first dose, especially since I got tested for COVID and it came back negative. I’m just hoping the second one isn’t as bad because I have my first volleyball practice that day (yay!) and the day after that we’re going to St. Louis. Speaking of getting tested, that was a terrible experience I would never, ever, ever like to experience again. But anyways, moving last week. SO the entire last week I was struggling to catch up in my classes. Every night I’d have at least five hours of homework. It was all very draining (mentally). But now, I’m all caught up, my body is recharged, and I’m ready to start this week!

I thought, what better way to get into the new week than to post a blog post? So here I am writing today’s post...which is all about quotes I live by. Some of them are long, some are short, but all of them truly inspire me, so I’m going to be sharing those with you guys today. I am writing this post on Sunday, but I think it’s going to go up tomorrow (Monday); in case that might be confusing, I just wanted to clarify.

Before we get into this post I just want to share a little more about what I’ve been doing the past couple days and my plans/goals for this week. I already basically explained a lot of last week except for some of the good parts of high school that I want to write down so I can look back at them someday. One of the things I loved about last week was selling cake pops for FCCLA, one of the clubs I’m in. I made the cake for most of the vanilla ones, and I had fun dipping them :) Another thing I love about high school is the 15 minutes between wellness and math when I get smoothies from the cafeteria. I don’t know about you guys, but I think it’s pretty cool that we have such a long break between some classes and the option to get smoothies. Maybe it’s just me lol. Also this week I loved that me and Lyla sat at Rachel’s table at lunch because I have so many friends at that table and it’s just all around good vibes. ✨ This week, I really want to study more for tests. Last week I kind of got a bad grade on my science test. I think it’s mostly because I had barely any time to study, and this week I want to make more time for that. Also, I’d like to go to the football game this Friday. Anyone down? 🏈 Last week I didn’t go to any because I didn’t have time, but football games are something I think are really fun and I can’t wait to go to some! Yesterday, I went to the Wilson County Fair, which I LOVED. I definitely think I should go with a big group of friends next year and we can all ride the 3000. My favorite ride was probably the Super Himalaya though because Jump In The Line was playing and it was absolutely iconic lol. Someone set a reminder for next year! 😜

Now onto today’s post…


  • “You’ve gotta start romanticizing your life...because that’s when you start truly living.” -This is my favorite quote ever. Normally when I hear inspirational quotes they’ll resonate with me for a moment, and the next thing you know, I’ve forgotten about them. This quote though, always seems to stick. I catch myself hearing it in my head randomly, and it reminds me not to take anything in life for granted, even the mundane. Romanticizing your life means hyping up the moments that may seem boring. It ties into another quote that says “Be in love with your life, every minute of it.” This is my ultimate goal: to be in love with my life. Being the main character is easy, believing you’re the main character takes effort. I recently read an article that I’ll think here: that just about sums up everything I love about this quote.

  • The next quote is very similar to the one prior. However, this one I feel is more specific and straightforward. “Stop waiting for Friday, for summer, for someone to fall in love with you, for life. Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now.” Both of the themes of these quotes are to make the most of life. Honestly, you only get one. When I look back I don’t want to have any regrets, and that starts with living in the moment. So many times I catch myself waiting for something, taking what I have at the time for granted. That’s not truly living. If you’re not happy now, you won’t be happy in the future. You have to learn to be in love with your life, and not the circumstances.

  • “Do something today that your future self will thank you for.” This is kind of embarrassing but when I was little I used to have this imaginary idea that there was a “future Brynn.” And whenever I was making decisions I’d think: would future Brynn be happy with this choice? It made sense in my mind, and honestly it still does. This quote never fails to motivate me to go on that run, or study for that test, because in the end I know it’s what my future self will be proud of me for doing.

  • “Treat other people the way chick-fil-a treats you.” This one is pretty self explanatory. Chick Fil A is definitely known for its great customer service (my pleasure). It treats everyone with respect and I meet so many genuinely nice people there, people I strive to be like.

  • “Our reaction to a situation literally has the power to change the situation itself.” -Gurubogsa. When I got my results from my COVID test back, I was shocked. I could not believe that I wasn’t sick. The thing is, the results said I had no sickness. So why was it that I was so convinced that I had COVID? It may seem hard to believe, but part of me thinks it was my mind. While I do believe I was experiencing fatigue as a real side effect of the vaccine, I do kinda think that it was carried on longer than necessary because my mind had convinced my body to be sick. The day after I got my results back, all my symptoms were mysteriously gone. What I’m trying to say is, our brain is a powerful thing. Sometimes our attitude towards a situation can make or break how truly bad/good the situation is. I try to keep that in mind whenever I’m feeling bad about something, by looking for silver linings and anything positive.

  • “People are going to talk about you no matter what you do, so you might as well do whatever brings you joy and live your best life.” I saw another version of this quote that was very similar. It said “People are always going to talk about you, so just do what you want.” I love this quote so much and apply it to my life every day. You can never please every human on earth. It’s just not possible. So why waste your life living in fear of other people’s opinions, when you can be happy with your own?

  • “A woman who knows what she brings to the table is not afraid to eat alone.” Lastly, we have a confidence booster quote. My takeaway from this quote is that you have to be so self assured that you’re fine being alone. You have to be so in love with yourself that you are okay with having high standards or having to cut some people out of your life, because ultimately, you know it’s what's best for you.

HONORABLE MENTION: “I’ve decided to be the girl who just went for it.”

SO that’s it for the quotes part of this post! I just wanted to make a quick announcement before the outro. I’m going to try a lot to start posting on Mondays, and when I do, I’ll have a section dedicated to inspiration called Motivational Monday. It’ll just be a quick highlight quote or verse to hopefully start your week off positively. This whole post was basically our first motivational monday! 🤍

It was my pleasure to write you guys this post! <3 I hope you liked it, and if you did, be sure to check out My Favorite Bible Verses! post, which is pretty similar to this one except instead of the Bible, I have a whole board on Pinterest that I used for inspiration for a lot of these quotes I used today. 😂 I love you guys so much, thanks for reading, and I hope you have a great week!

Current fav song: Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish AND majorie by Taylor Swift.


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