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What I did for spring break + Spend a Sunday with me

Writer's picture: brynnmichaelabrynnmichaela

Hi guys and welcome back to my blog!! I hope everyone’s spring break was great! I’m really sad to go back to school tomorrow, because my spring break was very relaxing and fun. Some highlights include: we got a nintendo switch and played animal crossing A LOT, I started a really good book called Heartless, we went camping, Justin Beiber released a new ALBUM, and Milo got a bath! Speaking of Milo, his birthday is in one week and I am really excited to throw his second birthday party! Here’s a picture of him camping (he was not a happy camper lol)

To recap what we did while camping, it went a little like this:

Day One

On this day we arrived at the campground. When we got there the campsite we were looking at was very muddy from the rain the day before, so we ended up moving to a different one with a very pretty view of the lake. We set up our site, and had hot dogs for dinner. It was already pretty late when we got there, so the only thing we really did was take a walk along the lake, which reminded me of the lake from Harry Potter. It was very mysterious looking, and to our surprise, had millions of shells along the shore, just like a beach! After our stroll we roasted lots of marshmallows, and I read a lot of my book. I think now whenever I'll look back on this trip I'l always picture Heartless, because I read it so much during my time camping. So it was time to sleep, and we had brought a tent. But the bad thing was- it was FREEZING. Literally we were shivering in our sleeping bags. Eventually my parents told my sister and I to sleep in my grandparent's trailer, where it was the opposite of cold! Let's just say it was a very crazy night.

Day Two

On this day we did a lot, but I'm going to keep it short. We started the day of with muffins (yum) and then a really fun bike ride. This campsite was really cool because it had a playground and everything, which we stopped by on our way. After lunch we went fishing, but I did not fish, ofc. My parents ended up renting a cabin for the night, because once again, it was really cold. Later in the day I went on a bike ride with my aunt, where I found an actual beach! didn't coonect to the ocean, but it had sand and everything. There was even a pier! And that was basically all for day two.

Day Three

Today was a half day that we spent riding bikes around the campground. My aunt and grandma both have electric bikes that are super fun to ride because it doesn't take energy to go up a hill lol. We learned by now that Milo was not a camping dog, because he would not stop barking at EVERYTHING, and surprisingly, would not eat his food. Like I said, today was a half day, so we didn't do much.

Overall it was a fun experience! But enough about my spring break, how were you guys? Comment below your favorite thing you did!

For today’s post I’m going to do one that was requested by my friend Abi (shoutout!😄). So basically I will just record a day in my life and everything that I do today!

Today is going to be pretty chill, nothing really exciting. Mostly I will just be getting stuff done around the house and moping because I don’t want to go to school. 😭 Anyway, let’s get into this post! 🠛


8:20 am- yawnnn

8:25- Right now I’m reading 4 chapters of 1 Kings. I think I’ve said this before but for Christmas I got a Bible study plan called The Bible Study, and it’s been taking me through all the books of the bible in the span of one year. So right now I’m aiming to finish 1 Kings and then go onto 2 Kings for this upcoming week.

8:35- Breakfast! Today I’m having Apple Jacks and a poptart. 😋

8:45- Now I’m taking Milo out to go potty

*after this i lose track of time lol*

  • Next I gave Milo a bath! My mom bought essential oil dog shampoo and it smells soooo good. Now he looks nice and clean for his birthday party next weekend!

  • Then I had to do chores and help clean the house for the new week

  • Now I’m getting dressed/ready for my day

  • After that I wrote down some notes from the books of 2 Samuel and Ezra in my bible journal. I like doing this every time I read a book in the bible just for reference in case later I want to know the key points of a certain book.

  • Then I finished 1 Kings by listening to it on the Bible App, while doing what I call a weekly check-in. Basically, a weekly check-in is just a recount of the previous week and setting intentions for the upcoming one. I got this idea from youtuber Annie Long, and I love setting simple goals each week. I just write down a couple things I want accomplished on a piece of paper, and it helps keep me accountable and productive!

  • Later, I had lunch

  • Then I completed my Bible Study for 1 Kings, and wrote down notes from this book.

  • Subsequently, I wrote in my gratitude journal, self affirmation journal, and a quick prayer in my prayer journal

  • Next I decorated my boards in my room with some fun birthday quotes...because my birthday is coming up soon!

  • After that I began working on my scholar project, and that literally took up almost all of the afternoon. Basically my project is on water and I had to make a google slides presentation on the different was A LOT

  • Dinner time- burgers! (yum)

  • Somehow I managed to work some time in for painting my nails (black for ma fingers, pink for my toes)

  • Next I fed Milo and took him out

  • And now I’m updating my blog, writing this! I probably forgot something because I did a lot today, but yeah that’s pretty much it

  • Once I’m done writing I’m going to read a couple chapters of 2 Kings (that’s the book I’m starting this week)

  • Then take a shower/prepare for school

  • And finally sit down and read Heartless. I’m really excited for this one!

So yep that’s basically a normal day in the life of me. Pretty boring ngl so I’ll probably only do these when something fun is happening lol. Right now I’m mentally crying because I start going to Stem tomorrow and that’s a reality I am NOT ready to face. Anyway, here’s to a fun Spring Break and the last quarter of eighth grade! I can’t believe it! It feels like middle school flew by while at the same time going really slow...if that makes sense. Anyway, I am super excited for high school! Ok that’s it for this post, thanks for reading and I hope you have a great rest of your day! Byeee 😘

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Howdy and welcome back to my blog folks I don’t know about you, but this summer has been so relaxing. I gotta admit, I have been nothing...


Mar 22, 2021

Love that! Thanks for the shoutout!!❤️

Mar 22, 2021
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